
Showing posts from August, 2021

Surpassed the 2100 Rating at

 Dear Friends, After series of attempts to breach the 2100 ranking at lichess , I finally got what I wanted this morning.  I have been streaming my games every now and then to surpass, this seemingly, insurmountable task in the past only to fail. I was trying to involve the audience to cheer me up during the games but it didn't help. I got some stars but not my solid performance.  I always blame the poor internet connection for not achieving success and this time I got it and I was so happy. Though I could say, I came very close to achieving this dream of mine in many times that I played, this time I felt this inner satisfaction and I could say that nothing is impossible. My constant practice with my teammates at the UNASAF group consisting of top players from the UAAP, NCAA, and carefully selected friends proved to be essential in my victories.   Here I am now savoring this moment.  Cheers to all chess players!

As a Chess Player, What is Your Real Strength?

 Dear Friends, I have been playing chess for three decades but I really cannot quantify my strength. With the absence of an over-the-board (OTB) title, I really cannot back up any claim as regards my toughness. Basing on my previous games, I could say that my level must be around 2100 to 2200 rating points.  I have beaten a bunch of strong players in the past ranging from GMs, WGMs, IMs, WIMs, FMs, NMs, CMs, and other highly rated opponents.  If you are not familiar with the abbreviations I made please google it but I'll give you a clue - GM stands for a chess Grand Master and the list goes on and on.  Yes, you are correct.  During this time of the pandemic, I got accustomed to playing online and there I got my share of victories.  I am proud to say that I never and would ever use an engine to beat my opponents because I play fair and square.  So, if you are a titled player and were able to beat you it was because I did my best.   Of course, ...